Ginger to increase strength in men recipe

Traditional healers know many ways to properly prepare and use ginger to increase strength and libido. Here are some of the most effective and popular:

  1. Ginger and lemon. To increase the strength, this recipe is also perfect, and it is very simple to prepare such a remedy. Put 200 g of prepared ginger root and 1-2 small lemons, peeled, in a blender bowl and chop them. Add a glass of honey (150-200 g) to the mass. Mix everything and store in the refrigerator. Take a spoonful daily.
  2. Honey, ginger and nuts to increase strength. Chop 50 g ginger root and 150 g nuts. Then add 70-100 g of honey to the resulting mass. Stir the product thoroughly, store it in the refrigerator and take one spoonful a day.
  3. Ginger tincture for strength. A small piece of ginger root is washed, peeled, cut into small slices. The resulting mass is poured into a bottle with 0, 5 liters of vodka. You need to insist ginger tincture for 7-14 days in a dark place and shake it from time to time. You can take such a remedy 1-2 tablespoons a day during a meal or immediately after it.
  4. Tincture of ginger on vodka with lemon and cinnamon. Cut 2 lemons together with the peel into slices, then add washed, peeled and chopped ginger (200-300 g) in a container with them. Also add 80-100 g of granulated sugar to the mixture and pour it into 1 liter of high quality vodka. Put a cinnamon stick in the tincture bottle. You need to store the tincture in a cool place protected from sunlight for 2 weeks, after which you can start taking it in the same way as in the previous recipe.
  5. Pickled ginger. Wash the desired ginger root, peel and then cut into thin slices. To prepare the marinade, mix 200 ml of vinegar (6% concentration) and 200 g of granulated sugar in a small saucepan. Bring the mass to a boil, stirring constantly. Then it should be poured over the ginger root so that each slice is covered with marinade. It is best to insist on the product in a cool place during the day. You can eat such ginger with fish and meat dishes, or use it separately.
  6. Ginger tea. There are two ways to prepare this drink. The easiest way is to brew ginger to increase the strength of a thermos. To do this, chop a small piece of root, pour it into a thermos, pour boiling water over it. It is necessary to insist on the remedy for 5-8 hours, after which it can be cooled or drunk hot. It is advisable to do this all day in small portions. The other way is a little more complicated. Pour the chopped root (approx. 50 g per 1 liter of liquid) into a thermos or pot of tea leaves already brewed with boiling water (you can use both black and green tea). It is enough to wait half an hour before the drink is ready for use. When pouring into a cup, you can add a spoonful of natural liquid honey or fresh lemon to it.
  7. "Quick" recipe for tea or coffee with ginger. Put a small piece of ginger root in the drink you just made. Leave covered for a few minutes, after which you can drink as regular tea or coffee.
  8. Vitamin drink with medicinal plants. Sage and lime flower are taken in equal amounts (spoonful). A few leaves of mint or lemon balm are added to them (no more, as these plants have a calming effect). Then add a spoonful of finely chopped ginger root to the mixture. The whole mass is poured with boiling water (1, 5-2 cups) and infused under the lid. After 15-20 minutes, the drink should be filtered. You can drink it all day in small portions.

Of course, it is best to use fresh ginger root to increase strength. You can buy it at a very affordable price in the market and even in a regular supermarket. But if this is not possible, ground ginger can also be used.

But the root in this form is not suitable for all recipes. For example, ground root can be added to various dishes, to a mixture of honey and nuts. But it is impossible to prepare a decoction or tincture from it.

Ginger for male strength can be consumed with food both raw and cooked. Basically we are talking about pickled ginger, as well as pureed or ground.

Here are the main recipes that use this plant:

  • Honey and ginger mixture. For cooking, take two fresh lemons and 0. 2 kg each of honey and ginger. Grind all the ingredients together with the peel in a blender and put in a glass container. The resulting mixture is very healthy and can be added to tea or water, or it can be eaten separately. The most important thing is not to consume more than two teaspoons a day.
  • Mos pasta. To do this, crush a large root and mix with honey, it is necessary that the consistency remains sufficiently liquid. Then let the mixture brew for a few weeks and remove the jar in a dark and cool place. The daily allowance is one teaspoon a day before meals.
  • Marinated. You can buy it ready-made or you can make it at home. Homemade will be much richer in flavor and rich in nutrients. To prepare it, cut the root into thin slices and put in the marinade, where it should use all day. The marinade is prepared very simply - you need to take two hundred grams of granulated sugar and vinegar, mix and boil. The most important thing is that the sand is completely dissolved and there are no grains of sand left in the marinade.


Ginger root is a universal raw material, on the basis of which a lot of recipes have been put together to raise the overall tone and strength. Representatives of the stronger sex speak positively about the effectiveness of the "super root". Many got rid of sluggish prostatitis caused by staphylococci and streptococci, improved sperm.

Vodka tincture

Alcohol improves the properties of the ginger components. Tincture or liqueur is a way to get the most out of the root. Recipe: Crushed ginger (400 g of raw material must be obtained), then pour 0, 5 liters of vodka (purified moonshine, diluted alcohol is suitable). The container is placed in a dark place. It is necessary to insist for about 3 weeks and then strain. The tool is taken 30 minutes before meals, twice a day, 30 ml.

You can prepare ginger medicinal tincture with the addition of lemon and honey: the amount of ginger is the same, but crushed lemon is added 2-4 tablespoons of honey. The taste of the drink becomes softer, the vitamin composition is enriched.

Ginger honey

ginger root to increase strength

Ginger and honey are a real elixir of male strength and health. You will need 500 g of fresh honey (candied and thick honey does not work), 50-70 g of chopped ginger. The mixture is stored at room temperature, as honey is a good preservative. If the fermentation has begun, the product is of poor quality. You can use it after 2 weeks, one dessert spoon a day is enough. You need to store the mixture in a dark place as honey loses its beneficial properties in the light.


  • grated ginger - 400 g;
  • lemon - 4 pcs. (with peel);
  • honey - 350 g.

Lemons are crushed together with the peel, then the components are combined, placed in a glass container, which is placed in the refrigerator for 2 months. During infusion, the mixture is stratified - this is normal when the contents are mixed. You can take a teaspoon daily as a general tonic or to further increase the strength regularly half an hour before intimate contact.

Drinking lemon juice does not increase, but alkalizes the acidic environment in the stomach due to the breakdown of acidic components in digestive juices.

Pickled root

Pickled ginger retains most of its properties, therefore, in this form it is often used as an aid in getting rid of impotence in the intimate sphere and treating prostatitis. You can marinate in different ways. Shares of ingredients according to one of the popular recipes:

  • 100 g sliced root;
  • 100 ml of vinegar (preferably apple, rice);
  • 3 tablespoons water;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • one and a half tablespoons of sugar.

Peeled ginger, not yet chopped, sprinkle with salt and leave overnight. In the morning, the salt is washed off, the root is chopped into slices, which are dipped in boiling water for a few minutes and then dried. Prepared ginger is placed in a jar and poured with salt water (a mixture of the above components). For marinating, the product must be stored in the refrigerator for 3 days. Speed of use: 2-4 slices a day.

Ginger tea

Ginger or tea can also be used to prevent impotence and to improve libido. You must brew dried root in a proportion of 5 teaspoons of powder per. Liter of water. Insist 10 minutes, drink throughout the day. You can brew tea mixed with ginseng (a pinch), peppermint or lemon balm (relaxes smooth muscles). The drink should not be taken on an empty stomach.

It is not recommended to add honey to hot water (above 40 degrees) as some components on heating are converted to toxins (carcinogenic oxymethylfurfural is formed).

How ginger affects male health and strength

It is well known that ginger is a powerful stimulant and aphrodisiac. It has been used for many centuries as a therapeutic and prophylactic remedy for various diseases of the male genitourinary system. Ginger root increases strength and libido, has a positive effect on the amount and quality of sperm, which significantly increases the chances of having a child.

ginger root increases the likelihood of conception

It increases blood flow to the penis. And this contributes to a stable full erection, which does not fall off at the most inappropriate time for this. That intercourse becomes longer, the problem of premature ejaculation is solved. In addition, regular use of the root increases the sensitivity of the penis, which helps to achieve a longer and brighter orgasm.

Ginger root, when used regularly and correctly, can also help achieve the following results:

  • acceleration of metabolism and elimination of toxins;
  • normalization of hormone levels;
  • improving the function of the prostate gland, including eliminating stagnant processes that contribute to the development of inflammation in it;
  • initiating tissue regeneration processes and stopping age-related changes;
  • strengthening local and general immunity
  • weight loss, acceleration of muscle mass growth in the presence of physical activity;
  • improving the emotional and mental state;
  • increased stress resistance;
  • removal of some unpleasant symptoms of various diseases, for example, elimination of pain, swelling, nausea, improvement of the condition of the microflora;
  • acceleration of recovery from inflammatory processes and infections.

Some studies of modern medicine have also shown that the use of ginger can reduce the risk of developing tumors and neoplasms, improve the function of the nervous, immune, hormonal, cardiovascular systems.

Researchers at the University of Guelph, Canada, have conducted a comprehensive review of dozens of studies of various plant and animal products thought to have aphrodisiacs - from the ambria (a dense mass of undigested substances from the intestines of the sperm whale - we do not want to talkabout it) to the Spanish fly (aka poor, powdered insect).

As might be expected, the "magic" properties of most drugs known in different nations turned out to be "dummies", the action of which is explained only by the placebo effect, and some even proved to be potentially dangerous to the human body (andagain about the Spanish fly).

However, researchers also found several drugs on this list that actually have some positive effect on human sexual activity.

Among these substances with the greatest potential are Korean ginseng and saffron, nutmeg, clove, garlic and the same ginger. Let's see how exactly he can help your "masculine strength".

How ginger affects strength: the exact mechanism of action

It has been proven that a number of drugs containing ginger have a positive effect on male erectile function and strength in general. This is done according to the following schedule:

  • Stimulation of testosterone production, which is beneficial for cravings;
  • Purification of blood vessels and improvement of blood circulation in the pelvic and genital organs, which is very important for an erection;
  • Normalization of the work of nerve receptors, which prevents premature ejaculation.

In addition, the properties of the root prevent the development of infectious prostatitis, which adversely affects a man's sex life.

How to use ginger correctly for men. Top recipes

The beneficial effect of ginger is cumulative, which means that in order for it to help, it must be taken regularly or taken in courses (depending on the method you decide to use).

We also advise you to adhere to the dosage indicated in the prescriptions, so as not to encounter the side effects listed above.

A way for those who do not bother. You buy fresh ginger (choose the sweetest root without defects), wash, peel, cut a slice and chew thoroughly, eating it twice a day.

Ginger tea

You have probably seen finished ginger in the shops, but we still recommend putting a slice of fresh root in a mug of black tea, and for a greater positive effect, add a spoonful of honey. By the way, this tea will be useful not only for strength but also for strengthening the immune system.

One of the most famous folk ways to increase "masculine strength", but here you have to wait a bit (spoiler: almost half a month).

how to use ginger root to increase strength


  • 150 g fresh ginger;
  • 0, 5 liters of vodka.

Grind the thoroughly peeled root in a blender and fill with vodka. Then send to a dark and cool place for at least two weeks, then sift. Drink half a 50 gram shot once a day after meals when you absolutely do not need to drive anymore.

Ginger wine

Are you not a fan of vodka? Then you can make a lighter version of the previous potency tincture with wine.


  • a bottle of dry red wine;
  • 1, 5 teaspoons ginger;
  • a pinch of cinnamon or vanilla.

Pour all the spices into the wine, mix and let the mixture brew for a month in a place protected from direct sunlight. Drink 50 grams in the evening.

Another popular recipe for strength (and also cold prevention) is a combination of ginger with lemon and honey. Incidentally, this is not only healthy but also delicious.


  • medium-sized ginger root;
  • large lemon;
  • 5 tbsp. l. raw honey;
  • 3-4 dried fats;
  • a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg.

Grind ginger and lemon in a blender, then add honey and spices. For two days, the mixture should be infused warm, and then it should be put in the refrigerator and eaten a tablespoon twice a day.

Ginger juice is a powerful aphrodisiac that can help fight premature ejaculation and sexual impotence. And honey and an egg provide the energy boost you need for long intercourse, and also satisfy your body's need for protein.


  • 0, 5 teaspoon juice;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey.

Boil an egg (until it is half fried) and crack it. Now add the ginger juice and honey. Mix well. Take this mixture once every night for a month.

Fermented dairy products with ginger? Incidentally, they are an amazing couple that has a positive effect both on your general condition and on your sexual performance.

  • 1 glass of kefir;
  • 1/4 t written ginger.

You rub ginger, add it to kefir, drink twice a day and that's it - you're done.

And finally, we'll tell you about black ginger - it's the same good old ginger that you know well, but not pre-treated.

candied ginger for strength

It increases dopamine levels and reduces the period of erection retention (in other words, the time it takes to achieve an erection after exposure to sexual stimuli).

It should be noted that it has virtually no side effects, it was recommended by the Thai Institute of Traditional Medicine as a safe supplement and has been used in Thailand for centuries as a means of increasing potency.

The daily dose of black ginger extract is 1, 000 to 1, 500 mg. However, before taking this drug, consult your doctor and in addition, black ginger should not be used if you suffer from arrhythmias as it may aggravate this problem.

The strength of men depends on many factors. Illness, constant stress and overwork, chronic anxiety and depression, an unhealthy lifestyle, bad habits, prolonged abstinence or excessive masturbation can lead to loss of libido and erection.

Hornroot, also called ginger (for its curved shape), has a positive effect on a man's body thanks to its healing properties:

  1. Strengthens the immune system.
  2. Prevents heart disease.
  3. Acts as prevention of oncological pathologies.
  4. Prevents the development of infections in the body.
  5. Reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.
  6. Helps keep blood sugar levels normal.
  7. Increases libido and restores erectile function.

Ginger is often used as a spice, in addition to folk music based on it, the spice can be included in the menu as a supplement to dishes. The roots are used fresh, pickled and dried. The maximum permitted dose of one crude product perDay is 15 g, dried - 3 g.

Fresh in the majority is simply rubbed on a fine kitchen rack and mixed with other aphrodisiacs to taste. The powder is dissolved in hot water or seasoned with it in various dishes, both meat and fish, and desserts. It all depends on personal preference.

Ginger sauce is a great addition to any side dish. You can make it yourself by mixing the cracked root with olive oil, wine or apple cider vinegar, lemon juice or herbs, sour cream or homemade ketchup.

Opinions on the use of ginger root

Doctors talk differently about the use of ginger to increase male potency. But basically, they all agree that this tool is only suitable as prevention of the development of violations and errors. And they also say that ginger can be used as part of a comprehensive treatment after consulting a doctor.

Experts point out that taking ginger root on its own can do more harm than good, especially if you have not eaten this product before. So doctors warn that people with urolithiasis with tinctures and decoctions with this plant can cause movement of stones and related complications. And those who suffer from liver and gastrointestinal diseases can aggravate their condition.

Men’s reviews on using fresh and ground ginger for strength are also different. Someone noticed the lack of effect or negative reactions.

However, many men noticed, after a week or more of regular use, an increase in vitality and endurance, stress relief, increased strength and libido. And along with this, people notice the emergence of self-confidence and self-confidence.